Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jacob & Joss

"You are my life now. I will protect you."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What was he dreaming...

We're still having bed issues with Ryland.  He'll start off in his bed, but will usually end up in ours around 2am or if we're lucky around 6am.  Last night was no different.  He comes into our room around 2-ish and I'm feeding Joss (she's off her schedule for some reason).  Ryland climbs into our bed and finds "his" pillow which is actually Ryan's pillow and quickly falls asleep.  Joss finishes up, I burp her and put her back in her crib.  It takes me a while to fall asleep and no sooner was I asleep that I feel Ryland crawling to get out of bed.  I open one eye and see that it's 4am.  Then I hear his feet go pitter-patter as he runs down the hall.  I'm thinking, what in the world is that kid doing?  He runs back into our room and to my side of the bed and says, "mommy, the monsters coming!"  

I tell him, "be quiet and go back to bed."  

His response, "I need my sword!  The monsters coming!"  He turns to face the door and is holding up this imaginary sword.

I tell him, "sweetie, there's no monsters.  Go back to bed."

His response, "ok mommy."  

Then he climbs back into bed, finds "his" pillow and falls back asleep.  Me on the other hand, can't fall back asleep for another hour.  =/  What in the world was he dreaming about?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Halloween vs Her Halloween

My Halloween is...  

...dressing Ryland up as "Diego," his all-time favorite show right now and Josselyn up as a "chicken" because Ryland was a chicken last year and momma's too broke to buy her a new costume.

...taking our annual October trip to Disneyland and taking kids to Mickey's Trick-or-Treat Party at California Adventure.

...taking kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.

... and passing out candy from home.

Last night, Ryan and I had one of our (seldom ever) nights on the town and saw "Her Halloween."

Her Halloween is...

...dressing up as "Sluty Snow White."

...dressing up as a "sluty chef."

...dressing up as a "sluty boy scout."

...dressing up as a stripper WITH her own portable POLE!!

...and my favorite, having your boyfriend dress as Diego and you dress as "sluty Dora."  

If you wanna dress like a slut for Halloween, who knew you can make anything sluty??  You're not limited to just dressing up as a stripper.  BUT, if you're gonna be a stripper, ya better bring your own pole because then you're just not trying hard enough.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Happiest Place On Earth

Here are some pictures of the Valasco Families' annual trip to Disneyland.

Getting ready for Toy Story, the ride.

Cousin Anthony was chosen to train at the Jedi Academy

Here he is fighting Darth Vadar

Riding the train

Hanging out in Toon Town

Roger Rabbit ride.  It was fun going in, but a terrible ride for kids.

The Valascos (minus Joss, who was with Grandma for the weekend)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Freakin' Genius

I think every parent would like to think their kid is smart and not just smart, but in our case, smartER than the average 2 year old.  I am "every parent."  

Ryland's new trick is finishing sentences when I read certain books with him.  He's so into the "Dinosaur" books ("How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" etc.) and books about race cars.  At first, I would point to an object or character on a page and have him say the word and then I would continue reading.  But now...  he just knows how the story goes.  And, rhyme or no rhyme.  It doesn't matter.  If he likes the book, he just knows how it goes.

He totally gets into the stories too.  He gets sad when the character gets sad or scared when there's something scary.  He's even asked me what words like "pout" "sigh" and "spooky" mean.  What 2 year old does that?  So, his other new trick is expressing emotions.  He can do happy, sad, mad, scared and of course, he can pout.  It cracks me up when I have him do it all over and over again.  He starts to get confused and then he cracks up.

As much as he is a handful at 2, I wouldn't change him or this time of his life for anything.  I love this age.  He's just like a sponge.  Soaking up the world around him.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Welcome to my world

How the hell do you bill for your time when more than half way through preparing 4 income tax returns you realize someone has already completed the returns and a) didn't tell you, b) didn't make copies for the file and c) didn't even send out a cover letter to the client when they mailed the returns? YOU CAN'T!!!! ARGHHH!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joss Milestones

It's been so long since I wrote about Joss and what she's up to now.  She's just over 5 months now and is babbling non-stop.  She's still such a happy baby, but is now realizing that if she screams and squeals at the top of her lungs, I will magically appear.  I actually think she thinks it's a game.  Her umbilical hernia is no longer.  I really need to post an "after" picture of her belly button.  Note to self...  "post 'after' picture of Joss' belly button."

Joss' milestones are still a little delayed since she was born 6 weeks early.  I find myself comparing her to Ryland even though I know I shouldn't.  She's still a little wobbly with her head/neck control.  She's getting lots of tummy time, but it seems like she's just lazy or maybe her head's just too heavy.  She hates the Bumbo chair where Ryland loved it at 3 months!  There I go again...  I really need to stop thinking like that.  So, we're probably not going to start rice cereal until after 6 months.

Last night Joss had a pretty significant milestone.  She can turn over from her back to her tummy.  It's kinda scary because I heard faint cries, but didn't know it was her.  I checked on her anyway and found her in her crib on her tummy struggling to pick up her heavy head.  Poor thing...  I really have to keep my ears open when she's sleeping.

More exciting times ahead...  =)

Ryland Milestone

I just can't believe it!  Ryland is growing up so fast.  He's showing a lot of interest in potty training.  For about a month now, he's been asking to sit on the toilet, but it wasn't until last Thursday morning that he actually did something.  As Ryan was changing his diaper, he noticed that his poop was already starting to crown.  So he rushed him to the toilet and sat him down.  There he sat for about 5 minutes doing nothing.  I figured he wasn't comfortable yet to actually push it out.  I asked if he was finished, he said "yes."  So, I told him to hug my legs so that I could wash his ba-butt.  I must have relaxed his butt muscles or something because next thing you know, he was gripping my legs and pushing.  I stopped washing him (of course) and then *PLOP* Out it came!  I cheered, clapped and praised Ryland's great job.  I finished washing him and helped him off the toilet.  There he stood admiring his fine work.  He looked so proud, pointing and exclaiming, 

"I did it Mah-ee, I did it!  I poopoo toilet!"  

"Yes you did, Buddy!  You did it!"

Since then, Ryland's pooped in the toilet twice without incident and pee-ed in the toilet several times with a couple of accidents where he didn't quite make it into the toilet.  We're so proud of our little guy!  =)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Look what I found...

How cute were Des, Laurilyn and Alana!!  They were just babies here!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I love you too

What a wonderful day today turned out to be.  It started off just so-so.  Got to work early.  Plugged away.  Exchanged my cel phone at Verizon during lunch.  Picked up a Sixteen Mango Mantra.  Plugged away.  Hit zero traffic.  Picked up kids from daycare.  Met SGC at Miramar Lake.  Fed kids dinner.  Ate dinner.  Gave Joss her bath.  Put her down for the night.  Gave Ryland his bath.  Took a shower.  Read Ryland 2 books.  Cuddled with Ryland.  Gave him a kiss goodnight.  Turned off the light.  Then it happened...  For the very first time ever... 

"I lub you mah-ee."

The perfect ending to my otherwise uneventful day.  =)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Rocking out to Journey

When the lights go down in the city
And the sun shines on the bay
Do I want to be there in my city
Ohoh, ohohoh, ohoh

Dinner with friends at Yokazunas

Just inside the Cricket Wireless Ampitheater

One of the reasons why I love my rocker husband.  
He knows how to have fun!  

Friday, July 11, 2008

Catching up

Party's over...  I'm back at work from maternity leave.  I was actually looking forward to coming back to work.  I think I'm that one person that actually likes my job.  I was gone for 3 months and OMG, so many things happened at work while I was gone.  The office manager was FIRED!  She had some problems of the alcoholic and pill-popping kind and from what I hear her exit was not pretty.  The former receptionist, who became the billing person a few months before I left for maternity leave is now the office manger.  WOW!  Great promo for her!  The office lobby was remodeled.  It looks different, but yet still boring and the same.  Go figure...   They inherited the practice of a local attorney who recently retired  and they hired an associate attorney, paralegal and secretary.  You would think that the new associate, paralegal and secretary are there to help out with the practice we inherited.  You would think that, right?  Wrong!!  It's all falling on mine, my boss and my co-worker's laps.  The newbies are for the litigation side.  Sorry, we don't litigate.  

My desk is covered with files upon files upon files.  It's taking me a while just to sort through everything so that I can prioritize things.  Feels good, but I do feel a little overwhelmed.  I hope I didn't lose too many brain cells while I was gone.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot done before my boss gets back from vaca.

I'm surprised, but happy to say that I've been keeping up with the workouts.  YAY!!  I'm still going to cardio every Thur and Sat, still doing the Wii Fit at home and I've added walking 2-3 days a week.  I need to get myself ready for the AFC 5k.  It's coming up quick and I still haven't started running.  I think I'll be up to jogging speed soon.

I have lots of pictures to post from Sea World and the Del Mar Fair.  Hopefully I'll get to those soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I'm hooked on So You Think You Can Dance!  This is the first season I've actually watched from the beginning.  I'm so in love with Chelsie H. and Mark that I had to hop on the Apple at friggin' midnight just to blog about them.  I absolutely loved them from day one when they did a contemporary dance choreographed by Mia Michaels.  It was sooo Tim Burton getting married.  Tim Burton anything reminds me of Johnny Depp so that's already got me interested.

Tonight they did a hip hop dance choreographed by Tabitha and Napoleon and it was SOOO good!!!  I love love love it!!  Makes me want to try harder at cardio hip hop.  Look out!!  I'm gonna turn it up tonight!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

My shadow

Wherever I am and anywhere I go, there HE is asking, "wat you doing? wat you doing? wat you doing?"  No matter what my answer is, his response is always, "Ooooh."  As if he totally understands.  If I'm not in view of his surroundings, all I hear is, "Mah-ee where are you?  Mah-ee where are you?"  Momma's boy you think?  Yes, I think.  Ryland is so attached to me and it's a love/hate thing.  I hate that it's hard for me to get things done around the house because he just won't leave me alone, but I just love that he loves being with me all day everyday.  He won't be this little for long and then the day will come when hanging out with mom won't be the coolest thing to do.  So, I'll take the constant, "Mah-ee where are you?"  and the "wat you doing?"  any day and everyday.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Friday, June 13, 2008


My niece, Loreal, graduated from high school yesterday.  I can't believe Loreal's all grown up now.  She was the same age as my son when I graduated high school.  Dang!!  It's been THAT long??  Oh-me-oh-my!

Seeing Loreal with all her friends, hugging... laughing... smiling... posing for pictures...  I started to reminisce about my graduation and my friends.  We called ourselves the "Dope Female Crew."  I can't believe I just said that out loud!!  Sorry girls...  I had to mention DFC. 

DFC: Me, Liza, Apple, Sherry & Abby

Back then I didn't know what the future held for any of us.  Would we still be friends in 5, 10, 20 years?  It's been 16 years and I'm so happy to say, DFC lives on!!  We're still the best of friends.  We've supported one another through the good and bad, been bridesmaids for each other, godmothers to each other's kids, etc.  I can honestly say that most of my fondest memories in life have been with these girls.  I don't remember any of the speeches from my graduation, but I do remember the feeling of that day.  Up until then, that was THE best day of my life.  Remembering that feeling gets me excited for Loreal and what the future holds for her.  Because my sister and I are very close, Loreal's always been like a daughter to me.  I have so many hopes and dreams for her.  I want to guide her and protect her, but still let her explore and live life to the fullest.  It's exciting and scary all at the same time.  I know that I won't be that person she goes to when she needs advice or support because I think I am like a mom to her.  So, I wish her a DFC of her own to lean on, laugh with and make the best memories of her life with.  Exciting times lies ahead...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Becoming pretty

Everyone says "all babies are cute," EXCEPT my mom.  The other day as she was carrying my  daughter, she says, "oh, she's becoming pretty."  Uhh, thanks mom!  Was she not the cutest thing ever before?  Ok, I admit, Joss was not an immediate cutie patootie unlike Ryland who was born looking soo adorable with a dimple to boot!  Joss was a preemie for goodness sake.  All skinny, wrinkled and hairy.  Kinda like a baby monkey.  I knew she would fill out and lose the hairy back, but I still didn't know if after that she would be undeniably cute.  Yes, I was a little worried when or if she would become cute, so my mom wasn't alone.  My mom starts to tell me about how when I was a baby, I was really ugly.  Yes, she did say that and no, I wasn't mad.  My mom says "un-mother-like" and inappropriate things all the time.  She continues with her story...  In a worried tone she says, "how can I take this baby home to my parents?"  May, my older sister, came out of the womb looking as cute as a button, so having me looking not just "so-so," but "ugly" made her worry.  The day comes and her parents and 8 siblings come out to greet her, my dad, my sister and me.  They gathered our bags and brought us inside.  In all the commotion of exchanging hellos, hugs and kisses, my mom asks, "where's the baby?"  Everyone looks around trying to find me.  Low and behold my aunt put my carrier, with me still strapped in, underneath the kitchen table.  She didn't know I was a real baby!  My mom jokes that I was there for a while because I was all dusty when they finally found me.  ha-ha-ha...  very funny mom... (I say sarcastically)  Anyhoo...  in case you don't believe I was an unattractive baby, here's a pic of me and my sister.

I'd like to think I've become pretty and Joss is becoming too.  =)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Need A New Blog Title

Thanks to my best bud SherE1, I've been introduced to the world of blogs and I'm beginning to really like it.  I'm still getting used to being candid with the going-ons of my life for all of blogging world to see so I don't think my blog title really suits me.  In person, I think I'm a straight-shooter, but here, not so much so.  At least not yet...  I need a little warming up.  So, I thinks I need me a new blog title.  Stay tuned for hopefully a new and improved title.

Rock On!

Guess who's coming to town?? I'll give you a hint...

"Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world. Sh
e took the midnight train goin' anywhere..."

You guessed it... JOURNEY!

I'm such a fan and so is Ryan. When we heard they were coming to San Diego, we just had to plan an 80's date night with all our friends. We saw them in concert a few years ago with the other other lead singer they had since replacing Steve Perry. It just wasn't the same though. All the old songs we all know and love just didn't sound ri
ght without Perry's tone. Now they have a new lead singer, Arnel Pineda, and he sounds convincingly like Perry. He was discovered on YouTube singing with his filipino cover band, The Zoo.

I just cannot wait for the concert and I KNOW Ryan can't wait either. Ryan, the karaoke king that he is, has been singing Journey songs non-stop and I mean NON-STOP for the past 2 weeks now. He's been viewing every YouTube video he can find of Arnel singing. I honestly think Ryan thinks it could have been him. He may not have the long locks of a ballad rocker, but I know he thinks his voice is right up there with Perry and Pineda. Rocker or not, I love hearing Ryan sing. His singing makes me
smile and laugh. Not a big belly-laugh, more like a giggle (hehehe...).

We'll for sure have a blast at the concert. I'm getting Ryan the new CD, Revelation, which was released yesterday so he can learn the new tunes before the concert. =)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Strawberry Shortcake Diet

I need to lose weight.  21 lbs to be exact.  So, I decided to do Weight Watcher's Online.  Logging down everything I eat has been so disconcerting.  After having Joss, I honestly didn't think I ate all that much or all that unhealthy.  Sure my mom would make quips about me eating strawberry shortcakes all day, but I kinda dismissed her sarcastic joke because it's not like I really did eat them all day, just once a day.  Ok, so I guess that doesn't sound all that much better.  Nursing & pumping has gotten me this far down in weight.  Now, it's up to me to take me to my goal.  I need to change how I eat and how I live.  I can't keep using my kids as a reason for being too tired to work out or eat better.  What kind of example am I setting for them??  I have to admit though, I do love my sleep.  It's the one craving I never seem to satisfy.  

My ultimate goal is to lose 21 lbs and to look HOT at 34 yrs.  I believe when you put the effort to look good on the outside, you end up feeling great on the inside.  Just because I'm running on 4 hours of sleep a day, doesn't mean I have to look like I am.  I'm feeling better already just saying this out loud.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mr. Potato Head

Ryland can be so funny especially when he doesn't even know he's being funny.  The other day he was walking around the house with this big smile and I had to take a picture of it.  Yes, that's Mr. Potato Head's smile.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I took Joss in to see her pediatrician and sure enough her extreme outie is an umbilical hernia.  What's an umbilical hernia you ask?  Well, it's when the abdominal muscles behind the naval are either weak or don't come fully together after birth.  So that protrusion you see is actually part of her intestine protruding through this hole/weak spot underneath her belly button.  Some umbilical hernias will close on it's own by the age of 2, but in some instances the hole may be too big to close on its own, so surgery would be required.  So that he can determine how big the hole underneath her naval is, her pediatrician pushed her protruding belly button in with his finger.  It looked like that would hurt, but Joss was totally fine.  You can even hear her intestines gurgling a little when he did it.  Weird, huh?  Anyway, it turns out the hole is about 3/4 of an inch in diameter, small enough to wait and see if it will close on its own by the time she turns 2.  If it doesn't close by then, we'll need to talk with a pediatric surgeon about fixing it.  This type of surgery is considered "cosmetic" and in most cases can be done as an out-patient.  I know I don't need to think about this now, but it's good to know the possible outcomes and it's good to know her "outie," though strange looking, isn't as bad as it looks.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Labor of Love

March 30th was supposed to be my baby shower.  Instead, my little girl decided to grace us with her presence a whole 6 weeks early.  Not even packed for the hospital, I threw things into a duffle bag for me, threw things into a backpack for Ryland and figured Ryan would just have to fend for himself.  I felt very calm for some reason.  I think I just thought that the hospital would turn me away and say, "lady, you're not in labor.  Go home."  Even after dropping Ryland off at my sister's, I still had every intention on being back there later on for my baby shower.  We arrived at Sharp Mary Birch around 10:00 am.  I felt no contractions and was leaking very little if at all.  After a quick test of the stuff I was leaking, the nurse determined it really was amniotic fluid and that's when I knew I was for sure going to miss my own baby shower.  They made me sit on a bed pan to try and collect enough of the "a" fluid to test to see if her lungs were mature enough to be delivered today.  I sat on that thing for 5 hours and collected absolutely nothing.  Finally they decided to go in and collect it themselves.  After that, the contractions began and fentenol became my friend.  I labored for couple of hours just waiting for the test results on her lungs to come back.  It never came and my contractions were now less than 2 mins apart.  So, it was time.  Another c-section.  I wasn't worried.  I had one with Ryland and recovered great.  Instead of an epidural, they gave me a spinal block.  What a huge difference that made.  Note to self...  spinal block is NOT the same as an epidural.  Vomiting for a day and a half.  Itching all over, nauseous, sleepy...  the list goes on.  If I ever get pregnant again, request for the epidural.  At 8:51 pm, Josselyn was born.  She weighed in at 4 lbs 9 oz, was 17.96 inches long and came out screaming.  =)  Her lungs were still a little immature, so she was admitted into NICU.  On day 1 she had an oxygen mask.  On day 2 she downgraded to a nasal cannual.  It's now day 10 and she's off the nasal cannual and as of yesterday moved to the "step down" side of NICU.  They're still telling me that she'll be there until it gets closer to her original due date (which was either May 3rd or 10th depending on which method you use).  I don't mind.  I know she's in excellent hands and I just want her to get stronger.  She's bottle/breastfed every other feeding and feeding tube fed the other feedings.  She gets so tired bottle/breastfeeding that she ends up falling asleep before finishing the feed.  The good news is that she's digesting most of her feeds and pooping and peeing normally.  I wish I could see her more.  It's tough not being able to drive yet.  I'm so dependent on Ryan, my sister and even Jocelle in taking me to or picking me up from the hospital.  Come Monday, it'll be so much easier.  I'll be able to see her anytime I want.  =)