My niece, Loreal, graduated from high school yesterday. I can't believe Loreal's all grown up now. She was the same age as my son when I graduated high school. Dang!! It's been THAT long?? Oh-me-oh-my!

Seeing Loreal with all her friends, hugging... laughing... smiling... posing for pictures... I started to reminisce about my graduation and my friends. We called ourselves the "Dope Female Crew." I can't believe I just said that out loud!! Sorry girls... I had to mention DFC.

DFC: Me, Liza, Apple, Sherry & Abby
Back then I didn't know what the future held for any of us. Would we still be friends in 5, 10, 20 years? It's been 16 years and I'm so happy to say, DFC lives on!! We're still the best of friends. We've supported one another through the good and bad, been bridesmaids for each other, godmothers to each other's kids, etc. I can honestly say that most of my fondest memories in life have been with these girls. I don't remember any of the speeches from my graduation, but I do remember the feeling of that day. Up until then, that was THE best day of my life. Remembering that feeling gets me excited for Loreal and what the future holds for her. Because my sister and I are very close, Loreal's always been like a daughter to me. I have so many hopes and dreams for her. I want to guide her and protect her, but still let her explore and live life to the fullest. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I know that I won't be that person she goes to when she needs advice or support because I think I am like a mom to her. So, I wish her a DFC of her own to lean on, laugh with and make the best memories of her life with. Exciting times lies ahead...
Congratulations, Loreal! How exciting! And... all of a sudden I feel really old.
But look at the crew - looking smokin' hawt in that photo! Thank you for not putting a "now" photo to compare it to. Um, at least not until I've lost that 20 lbs, kay? =)
Thank you so much for that heartfelt entry to just posted! I definitely have learned from two different mother's perspectives on everything and fortunately, I'm taking all those different entities with me going from college to the rest of my life. You and my mom, along with many others, have inspired me to keep going and to not give up! Without people to look up to like you and my mom, I don't think I'd be able to survive the finishing steps of my high school career! So thank you guys so much for everything, I owe you BIG TIME. And, you guys aren't THAT old! ;)
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