Thursday, October 2, 2008

Freakin' Genius

I think every parent would like to think their kid is smart and not just smart, but in our case, smartER than the average 2 year old.  I am "every parent."  

Ryland's new trick is finishing sentences when I read certain books with him.  He's so into the "Dinosaur" books ("How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?" etc.) and books about race cars.  At first, I would point to an object or character on a page and have him say the word and then I would continue reading.  But now...  he just knows how the story goes.  And, rhyme or no rhyme.  It doesn't matter.  If he likes the book, he just knows how it goes.

He totally gets into the stories too.  He gets sad when the character gets sad or scared when there's something scary.  He's even asked me what words like "pout" "sigh" and "spooky" mean.  What 2 year old does that?  So, his other new trick is expressing emotions.  He can do happy, sad, mad, scared and of course, he can pout.  It cracks me up when I have him do it all over and over again.  He starts to get confused and then he cracks up.

As much as he is a handful at 2, I wouldn't change him or this time of his life for anything.  I love this age.  He's just like a sponge.  Soaking up the world around him.


SherE1 said...

So cute! I have a video of Katelyn around the same age, reading a book. Ok, ok - she wasn't actually READING, per say. More like memorized the whole book. Our children - freakin' geniuses for sure!

I'd LOVE to see his facial expressions "trick"! Love it!

Unknown said...

He must get it from hanging around his brilliant nenong Ray . . .or his mom.
