Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joss Milestones

It's been so long since I wrote about Joss and what she's up to now.  She's just over 5 months now and is babbling non-stop.  She's still such a happy baby, but is now realizing that if she screams and squeals at the top of her lungs, I will magically appear.  I actually think she thinks it's a game.  Her umbilical hernia is no longer.  I really need to post an "after" picture of her belly button.  Note to self...  "post 'after' picture of Joss' belly button."

Joss' milestones are still a little delayed since she was born 6 weeks early.  I find myself comparing her to Ryland even though I know I shouldn't.  She's still a little wobbly with her head/neck control.  She's getting lots of tummy time, but it seems like she's just lazy or maybe her head's just too heavy.  She hates the Bumbo chair where Ryland loved it at 3 months!  There I go again...  I really need to stop thinking like that.  So, we're probably not going to start rice cereal until after 6 months.

Last night Joss had a pretty significant milestone.  She can turn over from her back to her tummy.  It's kinda scary because I heard faint cries, but didn't know it was her.  I checked on her anyway and found her in her crib on her tummy struggling to pick up her heavy head.  Poor thing...  I really have to keep my ears open when she's sleeping.

More exciting times ahead...  =)


SherE1 said...

I do that with my kids too - compare. I can't help it either. Some of the stuff is funny - like how Katelyn gags at the just the thought of taking any kind of medicine (tylenol, etc) and Jacob sucks the dropper so hard there's not even a drop left. Then he tries to hand the medicine bottle to me as though he's asking for more and cries when I tell him no and put the medicine away! Hilarious. Like ying and yang, those too.