Potty training has been tough. Our problem has been being consistent. I decided we were going to really buckle down and try harder to be consistent with potty training Ryland after we got back from our trip to Oregon. That was over 3 weeks ago.
Ryland loves wearing "big boy underwear." He actually insists on wearing it most of the time. He won't poop in his "BBU," but peeing he'll pretty much do anywhere anytime. Two weeks ago I started bringing him to daycare in his "BBU." He had 3 accidents the first day, but that's ok, it was expected and I armed daycare with extra "BBUs" and shorts. The next day, no accidents!! He came home with a paper cut-out of a trophy with the words, "I used the potty!" handprinted on it. I was so proud! I told him then that we should use the potty again before having dinner. He looked at me with a "omg mom" look on his face and said, "mommy, I pee-pee in the potty at daycare. I don't pee-pee in the potty at home!" As if it was ridiculous for me to even think he would dare use the potty at home. Great... He had 3 accidents before bedtime and it's been that way every day until... today.
Today is a glorious day!! Today, my son, my Ryland, for the very first time ever, pee-pee in the potty at HOME!! I couldn't contain myself and I started to cry for joy. My little boy is growing up so fast and I know I'm still in store for more accidents, but for today, today is the best day ever. I'm so proud of my boy.