My Halloween is...
...dressing Ryland up as "Diego," his all-time favorite show right now and Josselyn up as a "chicken" because Ryland was a chicken last year and momma's too broke to buy her a new costume.
...taking our annual October trip to Disneyland and taking kids to Mickey's Trick-or-Treat Party at California Adventure.
...taking kids trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.
... and passing out candy from home.
Last night, Ryan and I had one of our (seldom ever) nights on the town and saw "Her Halloween."
Her Halloween is...
...dressing up as "Sluty Snow White."
...dressing up as a "sluty chef."
...dressing up as a "sluty boy scout."
...dressing up as a stripper WITH her own portable POLE!!
...and my favorite, having your boyfriend dress as Diego and you dress as "sluty Dora."
If you wanna dress like a slut for Halloween, who knew you can make anything sluty?? You're not limited to just dressing up as a stripper. BUT, if you're gonna be a stripper, ya better bring your own pole because then you're just not trying hard enough.